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Sibling and Alumni Discounts



Sibling Discounts

Discounts are offered to parents with two or more children at the school at any one time at the rate of 10% off the second and any subsequent child. The discounts will be applied to the youngest child/children and will remain for the duration of the child having a sibling in the school. Please contact us to discuss further.

Alumni Discounts

Offering Immanuel College Alumni Parents a special discount on fees for their first child, which may also be combined with the Sibling Discount available to all families.

Recipients of the Alumni Discount will enjoy savings on the fees of their first child for the entirety of his or her academic career at Immanuel College.

For example, for Immanuel Alumni Families who join the Prep in Year 5 or earlier, they will continue to benefit from a 20% discount until the end of Sixth Form. Alumni Families who join in Year 6 or later will enjoy the 10% Alumni Discount until their first child’s graduation.

Year of Entry Percentage Discount on Fees on First Child Duration of Alumni Discount Further Sibling Discount for Other Children
Reception to Year 5 20% Until end of Year 13 10%
Year 6 to Year 12 10% Until end of Year 13 10%

 For more information, please contact our Admissions team.

Staff Discounts

Staff Discounts form an attractive part of Immanuel College’s employee benefits. For further information contact Human Resources.