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Education at Immanuel College Preparatory School extends beyond the school day and beyond the school grounds.

Drawing together all the elements of our school, our co-curricular activities are woven into the fabric of our school. Whilst they are not compulsory, they are highly recommended for the social and educational value that they add.

Children in Year 1 and above can attend a variety of clubs which are on offer every week from Monday to Thursday, either before school, at lunch time or after school.

These range from fashion history to jewellery making, cookery to film clip, debating to Chess or Bridge. Clubs provide an opportunity for pupils to interact with others who share their interests, across different age ranges of our school. We run the clubs on rotation so that we can offer a variety of experiences.  

Our formal PE provision is extended through our co-curricular provision, with pupils able to attend clubs such as Football and Netball, Tennis and Ball Skills, Rounders and Dance. Pupils have the opportunity to take part in Inter-School fixtures, with local schools and through Maccabi UK. Our Shavuot Sports Day for the whole school and winter Inter-House Football and Netball Competitions, are firm favourites with the children.

Pupils have a range of opportunities to explore their musicality, through piano, guitar, singing and LAMDA lessons, and as part of the ICPS Choir, who perform both for school audiences and in the wider community. Pupils can participate in a Performing Arts Festival to showcase their artistry as well as our Annual Purim Talent Show- ICPS really does have talent.

The Independent Schools Inspectorate found co-curricular life at Immanuel College to be "excellent".

Before and After School Care

Immanuel College offer a Breakfast and After School Club between the hours of  7:30 - 8:30a.m. and 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.

These supervised sessions are available for pupils from Reception to Year 6, and the clubs offer participation in fun, stimulating games and activities, as well as breakfast in the morning. There is an additional charge for both Breakfast Club and After-school care. 

Peripatetic Music, Singing & LAMDA Opportunities

In addition to class music lessons, children in Year 1 and above can sign up to learn to play an instrument or for singing or LAMDA lessons privately.  

Piano, guitar and violin lessons are all available for children in Year 1-Year 6.  LAMDA and singing lessons are also available for Key Stage 2 children.

The children work towards grade exams in all these specialisations.