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HMC (the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference) is a professional Association of heads of the world's leading independent schools.

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Personal Development Education. There are three themes - Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Sex Education, Living in the Wider World. Each half term has a different theme.  These also tie in with our school values: Kindness, Responsibility, Aspiration, Curiosity. 


Fortnightly timetabled lessons for every year group from Year 7 to Year 11. During Tutor time for Sixth Form.

To encourage the development of personal skills that enable students to function successfully as members of society. To ensure that pupils are able to understand and respond to risk – for example, risks associated with extremism, new technology, substance misuse, knives and gangs, personal relationships and personal safety. To know and understand how to respond to mental health challenges. 
And ...

The Government requires PDE to be taught in schools. We also teach PDE at IC because we care about YOU?

PDE Curriculum