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Yeshiva and Seminary

Through the JS textual track that is offered within the Sixth Form timetable for both boys and girls, students who are considering attending Yeshiva or Seminary in Israel during their gap year are prepared for and supported by the Beit staff through the application process.

With a track record of a 100% acceptance rate to the first institution of their choice, some ten percent of our graduates join the finest Yeshivot and Seminaries including Yeshivat Har Etzion (The "Gush"), Yeshivat HaKotel, and Yeshivat Shaalvim, Shaalvim for Women, Midreshet HaRova, MMY and Midreshet Lindenbaum.

We also run a Gap Year Trip in Year 13, where pupils spend five days in Israel learning at different institutions and explore where they hope to spend their gap year following Immanuel.