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Students have the freedom to choose from over twenty-two A Level subjects.

We pride ourselves on the freedom of choice that we are able to offer to students, with the timetable built around the options that students make.

Students will choose to pursue three subjects (four if studying Further Mathematics) in the Sixth Form, supplemented by the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).

Students in the Sixth Form have access to a variety of facilities such as their own Common Room and Learning Resource Centre which students are free to use for academic work in their study periods.

In addition to their A Level studies, students in the Sixth Form are expected to engage in our enrichment programmes which offers subjects not offered in the A Level curriculum such as Philosophy, Law, Engineering and Classics (a full list can be found on the Co-Curricular page). These sessions run weekly and Sixth Formers are expected to take the lead. We also run the following programmes weekly after school: Oxbridge, Medicine and American University Applications. Students also have the opportunity to be involved in Young Enterprise, Model United Nations and Kriegsspiel.

ic sixth form curriculum brochure 2025 final.pdf